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Yo dude stop being horny! the new Guts and Blackpowder update is about to get dropped!

Leviticus 20:15

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DeeNoodles responds:


1814 Paris, We've taken devastating loses from this 'furry outbreak' we are experiencing, the Grande Arměe was crushed we've had devastating loses everytime we retreat once we reached Paris all buildings were burned and me and the other soldiers had no choice but to face damnation, luckily one soldier spotted a building that isn't burned and we decided to get in and barricade ourselves in but when we got inside this building is no ordinary one we got in the Catacombes de Paris we checked the place out but this place had some doors that had been locked or barricaded we got passed the first two doors but the third one was barricaded one soldier discovered a room that had sledgehammers in it we broke down the barricaded door when we got in to the next room we saw a corpse with a dead furry and a blood text on the wall saying 'I am infected', I locked as many doors as I can' 'KILL ME' we saw the corpse with a cutted neck and a knife on his right side we supposed that he took his own life and preferring damnation we continued through the halls of this hellhole we finally reached the exit but it was locked so we shot the lock once we got out we heard shoutter and loud talking we we decided to investigate but when we got there we saw the Cathedral of Notre Dame with a barricaded bridge with soldiers guarding and civilians evacuating in carriges when we try to get their attention we were met by an officer that looked relieved when he saw us coming, we did not have alot of information on this man but he told us that they recieved reports that a huge furry horde is now hunting the normal and heading towards them and an evacuation of the last parisians is taking place, he told us to defend until every civilian was evacuated once they are done they can now help us and we can save ourselves we agreed to help them when the horde of furries came we shot them devastatingly with the cannons provided by the soldiers guarding the cathedral, the fight was long but the longer it got the worser the horde the fight was intense and we felt overwhelmed but when the last civilians evacuated they help us deal with the horde and now we can save ourselves 'The ferryman has arrived!' said a lookout we jumped on the boat and just like that we earned our salvation or is it?

1808 Madrid, after the crushing defeat by the french in the battle of somosierra something went wrong once we arrived in the city soldiers saw multiple civilians fainting after that we asked the locals what had happened but none of them knew the reason, after resting and trying to figure out what was going for 3 hours we stumbled across something strange that happened, the fainted civilians awoke but as soon as they did they transformed into furries they begin to do eye contact to those who were not like them after that they began to attack as soon as they charged at the ones who were normal they began to infect others by hugging and doing other things no child should ever be seeing, as soon as the few locals who saw the situation they rushed to the military to sought out the situation but they were outnumbered 1-10 as soon as we fired they're muskets and cannons we did do considerable damage to the horde of furries but that only made things worse the citizens who were fell unconcious after succumbing to the furries heard the gunfire and it awokened them to join the horde as soon as they number up they charged again but around this point they realized it was impossible winning so we rushed to the entrance of the city along the way we warned the civilians who were not infected to evacuate and some even volunteered for us to aid in fighting the horde they were poorly equiped but atleast we had our number back, as we reached the entrance we saw the the horde charging at us so fast we couldn't load the cannons as panicked civilians got out of the city we hold them off with all our might it was intense street fighting we suffered heavy casualties on both the military and the volunteering militia we had no choice but to get out but outside the city was the Grande Armeě as soon as they saw us running they begin pointing they're guns at us we tried to explain to them but they did not believe us so they kept us prisoner-of-war -To be continued

I use MS Paint, Ibis Paint X, Flipaclip, Pixel Brush to do art and animations

Marcus @MadTruckerPhil

Age 15, Male


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